03: The Journey Begins at Home

03: The Journey Begins at Home

I can't help it, I'm a broken record about Esalen. It's my favorite place on Earth. Every time I go, it feels like coming home. 

I suppose I technically started this year abroad at Esalen but because it's located in Big Sur, California I'm not considering it part of this journey. Perhaps also because it was so fantastic (I'm writing this post after the month was complete), that I think of it as it's own separate journey altogether. As I write this, that feels like the truth. Esalen always gives me more than I give it. June was no different. 

I was intentional about choosing Esalen to kick off my travels, I knew it would be an incredible start and a wonderful opportunity to create a foundation of love and kindness before entering into the world. (Especially if you read my 2nd blog post where I talk about the fears I have and what I'm getting myself into.) I have some very real fears I needed to quiet before just jumping in. It was a lot to jump into traveling so quickly, I wanted an easy runway so I could recalibrate my internal voice to prepare myself for what was to come. 

This was my 4th visit to Esalen but the first time I've stayed longer than a week. I signed up for the 4 week June Work Study program. The program includes a combination of work, study and of course enjoying the magic of Esalen. The program in June was more or less a comparative lit course taught by NYU Professor Brad Lewis. We studied the Bhagavad Gita and Shakespeare's Hamlet. College flashback! But fortunately there were no tests, papers or required reading. (My kind of college class.)

Our little family (aka class) consisted of 16 of us. 3 men and 13 women. (Shout out to all my badass ladies!) For 4 weeks our world consisted of 2 hours per day of class and 26.5 hours a week of working and 2 hours of group process each week. Yup, that's right, group gestalt therapy. It was a dream. Each person was able to select a department they wanted to work in but we were ultimately assigned departments at random. I obviously chose the kitchen. (More to come on the kitchen on my next post.) Between work and class you're exhausted. But it's so, so worthwhile. 

I don't think it's possible to express my thoughts, feelings and emotions on why I love Esalen so much, but I'll try. 

I show up at Esalen to be present. To surround myself with kind, loving and like minded people and to push myself into areas that are uncomfortable but ultimately lead to growth. I consider myself on a spiritual path to freedom. Where freedom is the world where I fully embody my strengths and abilities and live to that fullest on a daily basis. Where I know and embody what my personal super powers are and I don't live in a world or job or relationship where I can't be fully present in that power. Every time I'm at Esalen I build more tools in my toolbox to help me on this path. Each time I'm there I meet someone who shows me a new way of thinking or shows me a way of being that is counter intuitive to my own path - all ultimately helping me bring my talents and gifts to the world.  

It was no surprise that Esalen 2018 was fantastic. Every time I think it can't get any better, it does. 

I felt deeply connected to these crazy amazing humans. I enjoyed attending a class and really loved studying the Gita (sorry, Hamlet was just ok for me). I absolutely loved working in the kitchen. I ate incredible food and talked with more incredible humans. Every week was a new lesson in wisdom, patience, love and connection. 

Here are some of my favorite people and memories. 

- M

04: Working my Ass off

04: Working my Ass off

02: The Most Radical of Sabbaticals

02: The Most Radical of Sabbaticals