A Brief History

This is the part where you talk about yourself. I hate this part. Here goes some random and useless Me facts. 

Before I left to travel I used to live in Portland, OR (swoon, I miss you PDX). This is the year that I officially have lived outside of California longer than I grew up there. I officially no longer consider myself a Californian. YOWZA. I love to travel but I miss my cat, Bug. She's my most prized possession. 

I can't eat dairy. I prefer beer over wine almost always. My most favorite game is 3 Questions (which I made up). If I haven't played it with you that would be shocking but also I'd happily play at any point in time. My favorite question to ask is, "What is the best compliment you've ever gotten?" Think about that question for a minute. It has so much meaning in it. Can you receive a compliment? Do you remember what it was? Do you recognize when people see your strengths? Ugh, so good. 

I'm writing this "bio" from Mexico. I didn't eat any tacos today though, which is a real crime. I love a good board game night. I'm pretty damn crafty. I like to think I give excellent and thoughtful presents. I was a total tomboy in high school and thought the ideal job was working at Burton Snowboards. (Side note: if anyone at Burton reads this and wants to hire me when I get back I'm totally into it.) One of my biggest fear is snakes, I have recurring nightmares about them. I'm a night person, it's 2:06am right now and and I have to be up at 7:30am. WHAT AM I DOING? 

I've (on numerous occasions) scared young children with my loud laugh or sneeze. When I was a kid my Dad took me to get my hearing tested because he thought I was too loud. HA! Look at me now Pops! 

No one expects it but I'm a total rule follower. My favorite swear word is Fuck. And now I officially need to go to sleep.