01: You Gotta Start Somewhere

01: You Gotta Start Somewhere

Well hello there! Welcome to my blog and my first post. Also, welcome to the reality that over the next year I'll be documenting on a semi-regular basis (hopefully!) my thoughts, travels, struggles, observations and probably some really boring travel advice. I am documenting this journey in part for my own delight and satisfaction and in part so everyone knows I'm alive. (Hi friends, I'm alive). Also, if I'm being honest it's because I clearly think I have a story to tell. And boy do I love to tell a good story! 

I truly hope this blog represents the best part of me, my truth. My current plan is to post once per week (at least). I like the idea of having a task or thing to do while I'm traveling so that I don't get totally lost in the day to day. 

Will this happen? Probably not. And that's ok. 

Will my writing get better? I sure hope so. 

Will I swear in this blog? Definitely. Not really sorry about that either. Sometimes a well stated F bomb just says everything my heart wants and needs to say. 

Will I mask emotions with humor? Shit, probably. Welcome to being human. 

Will I proof read everything I write? Definitely not. But I can guarantee I'll probably write and re-write stuff because I'm my own worst critic. 

Stay tuned. This may not be pretty. This may not be the best blog you've ever read but I can't wait to share this with you. 

- M


02: The Most Radical of Sabbaticals

02: The Most Radical of Sabbaticals