23: Things are About to get Weird

23: Things are About to get Weird

I didn’t feel like writing a traditional blog post as I start a 2 week retreat at OSHO so please enjoy this conversation with myself.

Q: You watched the Netflix documentary and you know some of the sordid and interesting background of this group; so why are you going to OSHO in India?

That’s a great question. Part of it is sheer fascination. Part of it is when am I ever going to be back in Pune, India? The other part is an extension of a conversation I’ve had with my wonderful friend Mary about slowing down. I’m traveling for up to one year. I’m just at the 6 month mark and I’m getting tired. Having moments of peace and stillness don’t happen often and I need this to refill my tanks in order to keep going. And I hope being at OSHO for 2 weeks will allow for some of that. If nothing else, it will allow me to at least relax into being in a single place and having private time and private space for 2 weeks.

All that said, I'm still super conflicted about what this experience will be, especially knowing what happened with this group in the 80’s. But that was 30+ years ago and somehow they’ve still stayed around and are even more relevant. I’m super intrigued on why. I imagine it’s going to be an interesting experience, anything that helps expand your mind and consciousness I’m willing to try. And if nothing else, an interesting blog post, right?!

Q: You went to the resort for one day before you committed to the two week program. How was it?

WILD! There are so many different options if you want to attend OSHO here. There are day passes that are valid from 6:30am-11:30pm and allows you to access a daily schedule of really interesting classes within that cost. On Sunday I came for the day to see if it would be something I’d be interested in. Being on the inside is a completely different world. It’s a sea of peace and calm and serenity. It’s the most beautifully peaceful place I’ve seen in all of India. All of the outside chaos falls away. Not to mention the actual OSHO techniques of meditation are totally wild and crazy. You do lots of shaking, screaming, dancing and talking in gibberish.

Q: What’s up with the all red robes?

Well technically they are maroon. And I have no idea. I’m sure I’ll figure it out though.

Q: How does the program you signed up for work?

I signed up for a 2 week live in course. It allows me to take some extra courses while I’m here in addition to the classes you can get with your day pass. I also get to live on the property (which to be fair, I’m not convinced that was the right choice). I’ll have more to report once I’m done with the 2 weeks and what I end up taking. I’m considering taking a 2 day course called, “Painting Your Past Lives”. Some of you may think this is weird, which is exactly why I want to take it!

Q: Is it a cult?

I don’t know. Maybe. Probably. I kind of hope so! It if is, it’s a damn expensive one.

Q: What are your expectations for the next two weeks?

I’m not entirely sure. It’s very important that OSHO considers this location a resort, NOT an Ashram. So everything harkens back to this. The grounds are beautiful. There’s an amazing pool. You can buy $75 massages. Whatever meditative experience it will be, it will be ritzy.

I’m hoping that like all things, there is a balance. Can I still enjoy the meditative experience even though I just paid $10 for lunch? We’ll see!

Q: What are you hoping to get out of the next two weeks.

While the techniques are a bit unexpected (like honestly, talking in gibberish is fucking insane to me), but what I want to do is spend sometime on the journey within. I hope to be able to slow down, rest and bring some peace to some of the major shifts and challenges the last 6 weeks has been. If anything, this week I’ve felt the most alone since I started traveling and I haven’t just sat with that emotion and processed any of it. I’m ready to do that so that I can fully experience the range of emotions that happen on this trip, not just try and avoid things.

Q: Are you ready for OSHO?

You mean, is OSHO ready for me? Either way, I don’t think so. I’m concerned about the cult aspect of this place - everyone has to do / wear / say the same thing. I think it will be challenging if you don’t agree with it. Or maybe I’ll just keep my mouth shut and leave and come to this awesome coffee shop I like to sit at for hours and write these blog posts. Either way, see you on the other side of OSHO in 2 weeks!

- M

24: On Being Alone and Feeling Alone

24: On Being Alone and Feeling Alone

22: F*ck the Patriarchy

22: F*ck the Patriarchy