19: I Guess I went on a Trek in Nepal

19: I Guess I went on a Trek in Nepal

For those who know me, trekking or hiking or walking up mountains isn’t really my thing. I’ll do it. But it’s not my first choice of activities and it’s definitely not something I’d ever imagine traveling around the world to do. Given that, it’s sort of remarkable that this journey lead me to an 8 day trek in Nepal.

My thinking was sort of “when in Rome” meets “can I actually do this?” with a dash of “I’ll take one for the team”. I started out with the thinking that this part of the trip was for my friend Mary who was planning on meeting me in India. We’ve tried to map back to who originally came up with the idea of Nepal, we’re pretty sure it was her. And it does sort of make sense. If you’re going to India, you may as well head up to Nepal for a quick prelude, right?

It took some convincing, mostly on my part. And there was my own fair share or warnings to her, “I’m really bad at hiking” or “I’m probably not in good enough shape to hike in Nepal.” But somehow all of the stars aligned and we all found ourselves in Nepal.

I knew that I’d never be able to remember every detail or event over the 8+ days of our journey so instead of a long winded blog post (my favorite kind!), I tried to get a little creative. Each day I recorded a video journal of sorts, a few minutes on where we were, what was happening and what I was thinking about. It’s pure, raw, unadulterated me. Or technically, the version of me that was trekking. Which, turns out, is a whole new version of me.


- M

20: Bragging Rights

20: Bragging Rights

18: The Ayahuasca Journey: Part 3 Burned by the Frog Poison

18: The Ayahuasca Journey: Part 3 Burned by the Frog Poison